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Part 2 Chapter 4

Mandschurian Beat
00:00 / 02:32

Vernard glanced at Joe on their way out. He knew his truck would be a good fit just as Joseph had mentioned. The bed was lined, they could have a plastic tub tied down that they could hose down and wash it out. But he still didn't like the idea. Previously they had used Joe's Barracuda which had a modified trunk liner made out of sheet metal with bed liner sprayed on it. The car was also fast but...regrettably also loud. They couldn't just rip through in an aging neighborhood now could they?

"We could remove the bumpers from your truck to make it look different. Its fast n easy." Joe grinned, "when we're done we just pop 'em back in." His voice was hushed as they cleaned their arms and faces of the shop's grime.

"No, it would still have all the body details like the bumps n scratches" Vernard scrubbed his hands and then rubbed the soap into his face. "My truck isn't as nice looking as your Cuda, Joseph." He looked into the dirty mirror and realized they had the perfect answer right behind them. "You know, I rather we take one of our client cars and clean that than use our own vehicles and be recognized later.” He turned around to look out past the auto shop's still open garage doors.

Joe nodded slowly and then picked up some speed. "Yea.." He dried off his hands and went towards one vehicle that he knew ran well enough. “We've got this one.” He knocked on the dark tinted passenger door glass of an all yellow El Camino with his middle finger's knuckle. "Body panels are missing but that's perfect." He grinned and got down on one knee and flicked the lower-left corner of the license plate. "We need to pull off these plates first of all. Ones in the back too. That way they can only get a description which won't be too useful for long."

"Hey, let's head to the Mart and get a container for our leaves. I think we'll need one of them. Don't you, Joseph?" Vernard wanted to make it easier on themselves when it came to moving the body. He had done it before and well, it was a little difficult despite his strength. Hoisting a trashbin and tossing it would be so much easier for both him and Joseph.

"I like that idea." Joe stood, taking his pistol with him to the driver's seat and tucked it into the center console where he could access it later.

The pair pulled out of the shop in the yellow El Camino with Joe at the wheel. The closest store was D. Altman's Superstore. They knew exactly what they wanted and knew not to get anything else. Vernard knew he would be the one going in to buy the container anyway. Joseph always preferred to just wait in the car where he could sit back and read some spooky stories on his phone. So when it was time to ask Joe if he wanted to go, Vernard laughed to himself when his friend pulled his phone out and leaned the seat all the way back. 

"So well you come with me? we can grab a six-pack of beers." Vernard tried to entice Joe a little.

" go." Joseph didn't seem particularly moved. "if you get beers, you can put them in the bin" He raised one of his black eyebrows at Vernard. That bruise on his face still looking a little hilarious. 

Vernard kept himself composed despite that bruise. "If you say so. I know we have to get into the right headspace, don't we? You do that for now." He patted Joe's shoulder and stepped out of the car. He didn't hurry but he didn't drag out what he was doing either. He walked directly where he had to go and took the first garbage bin he saw. He didn't get those beers and instead simply paid and brought the bin back toward where Joe was waiting.

 He lifted the bin up over the edge and carefully set it down in the truck-like bed that the car had. Despite the fact that he knew that the bin would slide around all over the place. Before Vernard could even finish opening the passenger door, Joe spoke up. 

"Vern, I decided that I want to be passenger. You drive." He was looking down at the steering wheel.


"Why? You love driving around in all sorts of cars." Vernard opened the door some more, leaning over to look inside.

"Yea, but I think I'll be distracted." He seemed to admit and began to exit the vehicle to make his way around to trade seats. "I want to do this know...the way I feel about this sort of thing but at the same time. This dude's an old man. He can't defend himself at all from what we're about to do."

Vernard whispered, "Feeling guilty?"

"Yea..." Joe held his hands together, running his right thumb across the base of his left's as he met Vern on the car's right side.

"Its not our choice anymore though. If the higher-ups find out, or even if Elmira and Piers do...we'll be in big trouble." Vern patted Joe's shoulder, shaking him slightly with a nudge and got himself into the driver's seat. By then Joe was sitting quietly in the passenger's seat. Joe open up his phone and pull up the map of the city, rather than typing in the address. "I see what you're doing."


"I don't want the search to be in my history ya know. This is as good as it gets to be honest..." Joe had to be the best out of the three of them at finding things on paper maps and well digital maps now as well without having to actually type things into the search. It was probably all that driving and walking around he did.

Vernard started the car, getting onto the road as Joe started him off with what highway they would need to take.

 Tonight Joe was understandably quiet during the ride. He had his head pressed to the window. His blue eyes nearly seemed overcast and grey when he glanced at Vernard to speak the name of the exit they would take.

"We're close now aren't we?" Vernard raised one of his thick eyebrows.

"Yea... and remember, I'll do it." Joe drew some squiggles on the door's window. "You don't deserve to deal with this sort of thing that much."

"Well, neither should you."

"It's fine." Joe waved a hand. "I'm already a wanted man. I already fucked up but at least I fucked up for my beliefs. I fucked up when I joined this gang."

Vernard sighed as he took the ramp off of the highway, "We all fucked up, not just you. But you are right. You are wanted and known now by some of our enemies. you're a target and well. You'll never be able to get rid of that."


Joe started gesturing with a hand after they traveled down the street for a few stoplights, "Pull over here. Just somewhere nearby."

"Why?" Vernard slowed the car, "You gotta take a nervous piss? I get that sometimes."

Joe leaned forward and turned his head to look at Vernard his eyebrows furrowed together."What? No!" He shook his head. "I just need to show you on the map which house it is." Joe waited for Vernard to pull over and then leaned in to show him the map. He zoomed in on the map towards the house of their target. "Nibung lives here and we're about over here."

"Good to know, we can go around the back and I know you can jump a fence like a cat." Vernard laughed, "I've seen you." Vernard coasted the car down the street and then into the alley until he stopped at the designated home. He kept the car running as Joe took his pistol and slowly came out of the car. He watched his friend walk toward the low fence but as he reached it to jump over it, the old man they were after came out of the back door, his hands raised.

Mr.Nibung "May I go with you two young men? You're going somewhere that I want to visit one last time."
Vernard geared the car into parking and he watched Joe take a step back, the pistol held between both his hands. The barrel still aimed toward the floor. But he could tell that Joseph was just as unnerved from the step back he took.

"You know where we're going? Tell me then." Joe asked Mr.Nibung, raising his chin a bit. Vernard could see in the dim light, the shimmer of joe's leather jacket. A slight shiver? Shudder?

"The bride's veil." The old man nodded.

Joe looked back at Vernard. The old man was right and it made Vernard's mouth feel dry.

"Take me there before you do what you want to do to me." The old man definitely could not fight back but he didn't look afraid. Vernard wondered if he knew enough to place those flowers where they would be found. How long had those flowers been there? How long had the old man waited for them to be found? He thought about the parchment paper and he thought about the El Camino. It had been in the shop months ago for something else but neither Joseph nor Louis had noticed what he has.

Joe pointed towards the El Camino's trunk with his pistol. "All right, but we're both sitting in the back old man."

"You won't let me sit inside?" The old man asked. Vernard didn't think it was just Mr.Nibung really asking for a comfortable seat, he felt that it was just to know what kind of people he and Joseph were. The old man already knew he was dead but he still wanted to least, that's what he thought.

"Only he-" Joe lowered his pistol and instead gestured to Vernard with his hand this time. "-will sit inside. We both hang on in the back and enjoy the bumps of the road. You better get comfortable Mr.Nibung. Its about a half-hour drive." he then led the old man into the back of the El Camino. Joe sat on the left side of the car while Mr.Nibung sat on the right side. The trash bin laid diagonally, providing them with a smaller area to slide around and something to brace themselves against.

Vernard looked into the rearview mirror and started the drive toward Bridal Viel falls.

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