Part 1 Chapter 6
After meeting that girl from the Nightingale lounge, all he could ever think was how odd it was to find two girls that flustered him so. The big sun hat, the fluffed out bob, and upturned eyes. The other details escaped his memory but her face was all there and he didn't know why. That girl had a magnetism that he couldn't explain. Was it her clothes or the way she actually looked? Maybe it was how spunky she was.
What about that biker girl, Nara? Pink hair, leader of a whole troop of bikers. But that large burly dark man that was her friend. What if he was more than a friend? What if they were probably a couple? “Damn it...” Joe drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, he glanced into his side-view mirror and slid his hands over the steering wheel as he took a left-hand turn.
He pulled his car up into the driveway, opened up the garage door, and stored the black Plymouth away. This diligence made sure that it wasn't stolen in the middle of the night. But he still felt like it might happen anyways. What car owner didn't fear theft or vandalism?
Beside the point, he went from the garage's door that led into a small corridor between it and a corridor that led into the living room. He headed straight to the shower to wash off the auto shop from his body. Afterward, he fixed himself up something to eat. Leftover potatoes, a bit of leftover steak and half a chicken wrap. To drink all he had was some lemonade which he watered down with ice so it would last him for the whole meal.
He sat at his couch with his plate of food and drink resting on the coffee table as he picked up the small form remote and turned on his Stratos Television. The chrome detailing around the edge of the screen made it look sleek when the screen was off..futuristic even especially with that shade of red it was. He flipped through the channels and settled on the night news which was more often than not a rundown of the most interesting and exciting news of the day.
A woman was tragically killed when she walked into the path of two on-duty police cruisers in the Woodlawn community. The vehicles were going eastbound in the 400 block of North East Ainsworth street when the woman standing on the north curb line - not the sidewalk - crossed into the cruisers' path around 8 pm. She was struck by both cats and rushed to Legacy Health Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. An investigation is underway, no other information was immediately available.
Joe stared at the television in awe. “Really? By the police cruisers? In front of The Bird?” The Bird, their chicken sandwiches were pretty delicious he wanted to drop by to see if the people he knew had seen it. That would have been gruesome and a sight he wouldn't wish on anyone. he blindly poked his fork onto the plate until it struck a piece of potato. He brought it to his mouth as the newscast showed a summary of the weathercast for the next of the week. The heatwave would continue much to his dismay, a wildfire had even popped up. Before long, he realized he had eaten all of his food and took the plate to the sink to be washed in the morning.
He headed to his room and hopped onto his bed to lay on his side. He let out a deep sigh. It was comfortable, it was recently bought with his last paycheck and it helped his back tremendously. Now, all that he needed was to get curtains to replace the blinds because honestly, he hated when the sun snuck in through the blinds to slap him in the face every morning.
He sat up and ran his hands through his raven hair, stroking the back of his head as it felt much like the fur of a short-haired puppy. It felt kind of nice on his hand as well as his scalp. His blue eyes darted over to the streak of moonlight that fell across his closet's sliding door and upon the rug. He laid back down to try to sleep once more. The roof and walls provided nothing for him to try to distract himself with for the rest of the long night hours. He focused in on the roof above, voice trailing in the still air. He liked to write songs, his wish to be on stage as a musician was still a bright flame. “Women are like the moon, mysterious and alluring. They look close but are oh so distant. The best of them sparkle against many stars that only wink. Bright against all of them…even the moon has its secrets.." He yawned, " and a dark side that pulls and pushes the tides...” He closed his eyes.